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Elder Bridge Assistance Check List
Over 17 Years of Experience | Licensed
(847) 512-3816

Find the answers you need to make the best choice for your family. The supportive staff at Elder Bridge will gladly assist you with any concerns regarding the care of your loved ones. Call us today for a FREE consultation.

The services of a home care worker may be needed to protect your family member if you answered “Yes” to any of the questions on the check list below.

Determine Whether Help Is Needed for Your Loved One

You can use the following questions to determine when help is needed. Anyone of the behaviors listed may or may not indicate that an action should be taken.

Your family member’s physician should be kept informed of physical, psychological and behavior changes.

Safety Needs

Yes or no

  • Had physical problems such as burns or injury marks resulting from general weakness, forgetfulness or possible misuse of alcohol or prescribed medicines?
  • Exhibited forgetfulness resulting in unopened mail, piling up of newspapers, not taking their medications or missing appointments?
  • Neglected their home so it is not as clean or sanitary as it used to be?
  • Are their hazardous conditions around the house such as gas stoves, difficult to use bathtubs or toilets or frequent use of stairs?
  • Physically unable to obtain help in case of need?

Nutritional Needs

Yes or no

  • Changed eating habits within the last year resulting in weight loss or decreased appetite?
  • Exhibited signs of missing meals and having food spoil in the refrigerator?
  • Frequently consuming foods with high sodium content and other low nutritional value snacks?

Personal Needs

Yes or no

  • Unwilling or unable to get to the toilet when needed?
  • Neglects personal hygiene resulting in wearing dirty clothes, body odor, bad breath, neglected nails and teeth or sores on the skin?

Social Needs

Yes or no

  • Exhibited inappropriate behavior by being unusually loud or quiet, paranoid, agitated and making phone calls at all hours?
  • Changed relationship patterns such that friends and neighbors have expressed concerns?
  • Decreased or stopped participating in activities that were previously important to them such as a bridge or a book club, dining with friends or attending religious services?
  • Becomes disoriented in familiar surroundings or “forgets” what they wanted to do?

Financial Needs

Yes or no

  • Mishandled finances such as not paying bills, losing money, paying bills twice or more or hiding money?
  • Made unusual purchases such as buying more than one magazine subscription for the same magazine, entering an unusual amount of contests, increased usage and purchasing from television advertisements?

Checklist for
Elder Care

Call us today for a FREE consultation.

(847) 512-3816

“Your caregiver was very patient with John. He was good company for him and tried to keep him interested in life around him. I would recommend your agency to any family in need of caregiver services.”

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